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Synology DS1825+ NAS has Been Leaked Online


NAS Compares: Synology DS1825+ NAS Leaked
By Rob Andrews on 12th July 2024

Synology has been incredibly enterprise-focused in recent months (the last 12 or so to be specific) and although we have seen a couple of home/enthusiast systems in the Beestation BSM and DS224+ DSM system, the bulk of their hardware/software reveals have been heavily skewed towards enterprise and hyperscale (eg GS series, the ActiveProtect platform, etc).
However it FINALLY looks like we are going to start seeing something for the mid tier users, the small-medium businesses and possible even an advanced home user - as the Synology DS1825+ NAS appears to have been leaked online.

Lees hier eventueel verder.

Mooie catch Birdy!  8)

Geitenpaadje naar de NAS Compares YT video over de DS1825

Een van de quotes nav deze video:

--- Citaat ---Whatever "Ryzon" is, one thing is for sure: They will leave no stone unturned and comb the plant from the Mariana Trench to Mount Everest to make absolutely 101% sure they end up with the oldest, least efficient CPU without any gfx unit whatsoever that a vendor will offer them so they don't have to rob museums at night. If there were enough Enigmas to go around from WWII, you can bet the farm they'd slap its mechanics in there. Heck, if they could get away with it, they'd just toss a teaspoon full of sand in there and call it a day. Enough silicon if you ask Synology.

Man, I really used to love their stuff, but their hardware choices went from borderline / questionable to full-on ridiculous. At this point, they're really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
--- Einde van citaat ---



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