Firmware > Synology DSM 6.1

Version: 6.1.7-15284


Important Note:

1.  The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
2. Updated Privacy Statement

Fixed Issues:

1. Improve stability of Docker when using Btrfs under low memory configurations.
2. Improved stability of the snapshot replication feature.
3. Enhanced stability of MCS in Windows environments.
4. Fixed an issue where a file’s Last Opened Date may be incorrect when using Spotlight.
5. Fixed an issue where enabling SSD Trim may cause file services failure in a high-availability cluster.
6. Fixed an issue fan where changes to speed settings do not apply immediately in a high-availability cluster.
7. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Wget (CVE-2018-0494).
8. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding PostgreSQL (CVE-2018-1058).
9. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Linux kernel (Synology-SA-18:21, CVE-2018-1000199).


--- Citaat ---Updated Privacy Statement
--- Einde van citaat ---

Dit houdt blijkbaar in dat je nu ook niet langer een ticket kunt aanmaken via het ondersteuningscentrum binnen DSM. Daar is nu alleen een doorverwijzing naar de inlogpagina van je account bij Synology, waar je alles moet invullen.

Of dat statement aangepast is weet ik niet, want ik heb ze ongelezen geaccepteerd bij mijn ticket. Je kunt ook geen kruisjes of vinkjes zetten maar moet nu het hele vakje inkleuren.  :P


--- Citaat van: Version: 6.1.7-15284-1 ---(2018-06-25)

Important Note
The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues
Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Linux kernel (CVE-2018-8897).
Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities. (Synology-SA-18:33)
Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Procps-ng (CVE-2018-1124).
Minor bug fixes.
--- Einde van citaat ---

reeds is DSM 6.1.7-15284 Update 1 uitgekomen overigens...

Version: 6.1.7-15284-1
Important Note
The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
This update will restart your Synology NAS.
Fixed Issues
Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Linux kernel (CVE-2018-8897).
Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities. (Synology-SA-18:33)
Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Procps-ng (CVE-2018-1124).
Minor bug fixes.


--- Citaat van: Releasenotes ---Version: 6.1.7-15284-2

Important Note
The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
This update will restart your Synology NAS if you are using the models listed below.
XS Series : RS2818RP+, RS3618xs, RS2418RP+, RS2418+, FS1018, DS3018xs, RS818RP+, RS818+, FS3017, FS2017, RS4017xs+, RS3617xs, RS3617RPxs, DS3617xs, RS3617xs+, RS18017xs+, RS2416RP+, RS2416+, RS18016xs+, DS3615xs, RC18015xs+, RS815RP+, RS815+, RS3614xs, RS3614RPxs, RS3614xs+, RS3413xs+, RS10613xs+, DS3612xs, RS3412xs, RS3412RPxs, DS3611xs, RS3411xs, RS3411RPxs
Plus Series : DS1618+, DS918+, DS718+, DS218+, DS1817+, DS1517+, DS2415+, DS1815+, DS1515+, DS415+
Value Series : DS418play
Others : VirtualDSM, DDSM

Fixed Issues
Adjusted power saving mechanism to improve PCIe compatibility.
Fixed a security vulnerability (Synology-SA-18:36).
--- Einde van citaat ---


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