Firmware > Synology DSM BETA versies

DSM 7.2 Beta is beschikbaar!

(1/10) > >>

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Release notes:

Important Note

This beta software is for evaluation purposes only and should not be installed in production environments. Synology cannot be held responsible for any damage, such as accidental data loss, caused by this beta software.
After installing this update, you will not be able to downgrade to a previous DSM version.
This update will restart your Synology NAS.
Starting from this version, logs for drives will no longer appear in Storage Manager > HDD and will be available only in Log Center.
Removed the "Automatically create port forwarding rules" option from QuickConnect advanced settings to increase network security.

Known Issues
Users of Surveillance Station should keep their current DSM version. The package update compatible with this DSM version is currently in development. Once the package update is officially released, it will be available for download in the Package Center.
This DSM update is not applicable to the following models: DS418, DS218, DS218play, and DS118. The update compatible with these models is currently in development and is scheduled to be available in the next release.

What’s New
Added support for WriteOnce shared folders. This feature is based on the Write Once, Read Many (WORM) technology and can be enabled to prevent files from being modified, deleted, or renamed for a specified period.
Added support for volume encryption. All volume encryption keys are stored in the Encryption Key Vault, which can be set up on a local Synology NAS or via KMIP on a remote Synology NAS.
Added more SSD cache group management options, including changing the RAID type and replacing a drive.
Added support for inline zero-block removal to increase the efficiency of data deduplication.
Adjusted how drive information is presented in Storage Manager. Users can now quickly check the condition of their drives by looking at the "Drive Status" field.
Users can now view the amount of used and free space for each storage pool and volume in Storage Manager.
Added a warning notification for when the available shared folder quota is low.
Supports deleting individual desktop notifications.
Supports sending DSM notifications via additional webhook providers, including LINE and Microsoft Teams.
Supports creating custom notification rules for system events, giving users greater control over what notifications to receive.
Supports exporting a list of users and of groups.
Added support for SAML to integrate DSM with external SSO servers.
Added the option to allow non-admin users to safely eject USB devices.
Users can now manually input the IP addresses or FQDNs of one or more domain controllers in the trusted domain. This allows Synology NAS to sync domain data directly with the specified domain controllers.
Users can now enable Synology's email server to send DSM notifications directly to their Synology Account.

S.M.A.R.T. testing for M.2 NVMe SSDs is no longer supported.
Starting from DSM 7.2 Beta, Virtual Machine Manager will no longer support creating clusters with older DSM versions. Please update each host in the cluster to the same DSM version or above versions for the Virtual Machine Manager cluster to operate properly.
Virtual DSM running DSM 7.2 Beta requires Virtual Machine Manager 2.6 or above.

Lees goed: Known Issues.

--- Citaat ---Removed the "Automatically create port forwarding rules" option from QuickConnect advanced settings to increase network security.
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Heel verstandig 8)

Naast de DSM upgrade is er ook een hele lijst van packages die geupdate moeten worden om met deze DSM versie te werken.

Die zie je als je je NAS selecteert.

Installatie incl. reboot: 4 min.

Echter, "Virtual DSM running DSM 7.2 Beta requires Virtual Machine Manager 2.6 or above.
Die heb ik maar, ik kan deze alleen maar verwijderen en is daarna (nog) niet te installeren, ook geen Beta.........

EDIT: Ticket #3292732 ingelegd.

Herstelde Packages:

Maar ook Synology Photos.


--- Citaat van: Hofstede op 07 maart 2023, 13:42:44 ---Naast de DSM upgrade is er ook een hele lijst van packages die geupdate moeten worden om met deze DSM versie te werken.
--- Einde van citaat ---
De betreffende Beta packages staan in het Package Center onder Beta.


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